Gas Drilling Injuries Attorneys in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Workers Compensation

As the drilling gets closer to our neighborhoods, the risk of injury to local citizens and their families will rise. Increased traffic and trucks rumbling over our damaged roads have an impact on everyone's life.

While gas companies drill for profit, it has resulted in more accidents and deaths and threatens to put many more workers at risk.

If you have been injured on or around a drill rig, it is important to discuss your case with an attorney. You need to protect your rights to obtain medical care and compensation for your lost wages.

If you are a member of the public, who has been injured, as a result of a drill company's negligence, you may have a claim for money damages. Water tankers and dump trucks, traveling to and from rigs and well pads, are clogging up our roads. It takes hundreds of tanker loads to haul the one or two million gallons of water required for a single fracking.

In Need of Legal Guidance?


Workers We Represent as Clients in Drilling Rig Cases Include:

  • Gas rig employees
  • Gas pipeline employees
  • Roughnecks
  • Drilling well employees
  • Any employee related to the gas industry
  • Members of public injured due to gas company negligence

Injuries and Risks from Gas Accidents Include:

  • Gas truck accident
  • Gas and oil explosions
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Heavy equipment accidents
  • Back injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Tool pusher injury
  • Burns
  • Dismemberment
  • Brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Falling accidents
  • Drilling rig injuries
  • Gas field accidents

Property Owner Disputes:

If a gas company has breached the terms of a contract, or disputes arise involving surface and subsurface landowner's rights, contact the law firm of Ginn & Vickery, P.C. These issues may include:

  • Lease disputes
  • Gas litigation
  • Royalty litigation
  • Surface damage and pollution claims
  • Water contamination

Free Consultation (No Recovery, No Fee)

Accidents and work injuries are handled on a contingent basis. If there is no recovery, the client owes no money to the Towanda gas drilling accident lawyers at Ginn & Vickery PC. If you have been injured on a gas drilling rig or by the negligence of a gas company, you deserve competent, trustworthy, and aggressive legal representation. Evening and weekend appointments are available throughout Pennsylvania.

Contact Us Today

Ginn & Vickery PC is committed to answering your questions about workers' compensation, wrongful death or accident or injury law issues in Pennsylvania.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Office Locations

99 Main St
Wellsboro, PA 16901

Local Office: (570) 724-6600
Toll Free: (877)724-7200
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 08:00am - 04:30pm
